Call on the government to champion hedgerows

Call on the government to champion hedgerows

Sign the petition

The humble hedgerow is the unsung hero of our countryside. 

Hedges connect habitats and provide homes for wildlife. They protect the soil, clean the air and absorb carbon emissions. They are nature’s key workers. 

But around half our hedgerows have been lost since the end of the Second World War - leaving us vulnerable to the threats of climate change and air pollution, while intensifying nature’s decline. 

That’s why we’re calling on the government to commit to planting and restoring thousands of miles of hedges all across the country – starting now.  

At this critical time, will you demand that the government takes action? 

Expanding our hedgerow network will provide a natural solution to climate change while revitalising our landscapes. 

It will create new lifelines for bees, hedgehogs, dormice and much of the other wildlife we love so much, while linking existing, fragmented habitats.  

The government’s own climate change advisors have said we need 40% more hedges by 2050. 

Can you join us in calling on the government to set this target?  

To the Secretary of State for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, Thérèse Coffey

Set a target to increase the hedgerow network by 40% by 2050.

To the Secretary of State for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, Thérèse Coffey

Set a target to increase the hedgerow network by 40% by 2050. 

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The humble hedgerow is the unsung hero of our countryside. 

Hedges connect habitats and provide homes for wildlife. They protect the soil, clean the air and absorb carbon emissions. They are nature’s key workers. 

But around half our hedgerows have been lost since the end of the Second World War - leaving us vulnerable to the threats of climate change and air pollution, while intensifying nature’s decline. 

That’s why we’re calling on the government to commit to planting and restoring thousands of miles of hedges all across the country – starting now.  

At this critical time, will you demand that the government takes action? 

Take action ^